Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week IDGAF, I Think 10

Hey bitches! Well really, I think there is one bitch. Maybe this blog is jsut me talking to myself. YOLO.
Anyway. I've been doing great. My New York Trip was splendid, expect a blog post sometime this month about it.
School has been shitty, but it's school, so honestly, what was I expecting to get? It's really just the work. I'm surrounded by a bunch of really great people but the work stresses me the hell out. I never have enough time.
My weight loss is going swell. I'm down now currently to 214.2, almost at my 20 pounds loss. I'm really happy with my progress. Before I went to New York I weighted 216 then I gained about 2 or 3 pounds because FOOD (btw: No regrets) So basically, I lost 4 pounds this week. AND I STILL GET TO EAT CHOCOLATE! I key thing about loosing weight that people need to remember is, don't deprive yourself. Just be mindful and conscience of what you are doing with your body. For example, I eat a chocolate bar that is 200 calories. I make up for it by adjusting how many calories I consume later or I make sure I work hard or do extra in my work outs to make up for it. You are distributing calories.

I've dealt with being over weight my entire life. I've gone through many times in my life where I hated myself and my image. Loosing this weight means the world to me. I am doing something for myself. I already feel better. Everyone around me can tell how much better I'm looking. It's already easier to move around. But this is only the beginning. My goal is still 170. I am still 44 pounds away from that goal. So that keeps me grounded but the fact that I've lost almost 20 pounds keeps me motivated. This week, find what keeps you grounded and motivated then write them down. Look back at it when you need that push.

Pictures and swatches are done for my upcoming ELF Haul, expect that in a week or two if not this week. Here is a little sneak peak :)
Best Wishes,
Lillie xo

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