Monday, February 6, 2012

upcoming review and Hautelook

Today, I was sick and out school.  I am doing much better thought, and I will be back tomorrow. But because I was home, I decided to kill some sick time and browse the internet. I was on some website, Youtube I'm sure, but a Hautelook ad was on the page. And to my amazement, there was an Urban Decay sale today. If you are not sure what Hautelook is, it is an online store that offers amazing prices on women, men, and children's fashion, beauty & health, and home. They have a variety of different offers everyday. They change everyday, with new sales coming in and out and last as long as they have supplies. You have to have an account to view the sales, but it is completely free to join. I was told about Hautelook by the Youtube beauty guru budgetbeautiful (who has fantastic reviews, tutorials, and weekly sale alerts). There is no catch to Hautelook, no point system or bidding. It is very simple.**I'm not getting paid by Hautelook (considering this is my 3rd blog post) I just really enjoy the website and want people to know about it.

Anyway, I made my first purchase today. The check out was easy and no hassle. I always check the site, to see what new sales they have currently. I should get my item I ordered with in the next couple of days. I bought the Urban Decay Book of Shadows 4 (which retails for $64USD) and I got it for $29. Shipping was 4.95 making the grand total $33.95. I am so excited for this pallet. I love Urban Decay. I do not own much though, and I have never purchased full price for any product. I am extremely cheap. Full prices are there so they can be taken down to sale price. I've purchased from the actual Urban Decay website once before during a sale. I got an matte eyeshadow, a pocket rocket lip gloss, and lose pigment. Now, I have heard many mixed reviews on the Book of Shadows 4. Basically, it came down to if you already own an Urban Decay Book of Shadow pallet, then the colors are unoriginal. But seeing as I am new to UD, the pallet should be perfect. I have not gotten the product yet, so I can not truthfully give my opinion on originality, but I will when I get it. It comes with a liquid eyeliner, mascara, a famous UD primary potion, and a key chain speaker. Once I get my order and have time to mess around with it, I will make a review and post it here.
Farwell for now, but not for long.

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