Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 7!

Just to let you know, I didn't die while on a treadmill or anything. I've been lazy. And only lazy about posting blogs. In excited news: on the 18th, I will have officially been tracking my weight on Livestrong for a month, meaning that as of now, I have lost 16 pounds. My pants hardly fit in my ass area, stomach fat is hanging off it awkward ways, and I'm kind of loving it all. I still have to lose more weight but it's great start. I don't use Livestrong to calculate calories anymore. I just kind of wing it. Hopefully when I get a smarthphone, I'll use Livestrong all the time.

Enough with my weight loss, even though it's exciting, I get tired of talking about it all the time.

Exciting thing #1
I've been doing behind the wheel driving for school, and it's going very well. I actually drove around town yesterday for a couple hours. It was great and that says a lot because my mom freaks out when other people are driving. She would damn near scream when I would be getting to close to the white line, and I hated that because I would think it was something bigger. Overall, it was a good experience.

Exciting thing #2
Yesterday was full of great things. I went to my favorite vegetarian restaurant, ate my favorite vegan cookie, drove, bought a jar of local honey, and went to this church auction thing to benefit this local retirement community. Some of the pieces they auctioned off where down right gorgeous. But in the large room next to the auction, the church set up a resale shop. I ended up getting some awesome vintage pieces. A pair of earrings, a bow pin (not vintage), and beautiful head scarf with roses, and a vintage Coach satchel. I loved it when I picked it up, but when my mom was telling me it was leather, I was kind of put off to buy it. Feeling bad, my mom looked inside of it and saw that it was coach. Stamped and everything with its own serial number. I love it because it is such a perfect size. I can fit loads of things in it, even my kindle! And to think I was planning on studding the front with circle brass studs. Not anymore.

Exciting thing #3
                Best for last.
                I will be going to New York for my birthday. I am literally SCREAMING. They told me a week or two ago and it’s amazing. We will leave at 1pm on the 27th so I get all of Friday, Saturday, and a little bit of Sunday morning. I’ve been making a list of things I want to do but there are just some many places and it’s hard to make an entire list. I’m dying for some good thrift stores. So we will see. I’ll have a huge post full of pictures and things to show from that trip.

School has been going alright. I love yearbook. Apush is just pointless. And I feel like I’m understanding math. A great thing about being part of yearbook is that I get to be involved in everything in school. At our school, we have a wall. That we paint. I went to take pictures and it was great. I got to hang out with a bunch of great people, got a little messy, and took some hella fabulous pictures. I can be a little antisocial at times because I’ve felt that I don’t have a lot of close friends, but this year, I’m going to make an effort to be close to these people who were in my class. We are already good friends and love each other. But I want to have the friendship where I can go to their house and hangout whenever, and they can do the same with me. That kind of relationship with people would be amazing.
      Expect a New York post within a few weeks after I go. I’ll try to be more regular with my posting. And maybe I can even do a review or two. Who really knows where I’m taking this blog. It’s a lot of fun to do though.
I’m still trying to figure out an outro

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