Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week 4: Mid week

I feel like I'm just going to assume I'm still losing weight. I always weigh myself in the morning but with school and the lack of motivation and time to get on the scale. So as of now, I really wouldn't tell you what I weigh. I just know that I'M NOT GAINING. Let us look on the bright side. :) Because it's the end of the summer, I can't eat all the kick ass fresh vegetables like I did these past 3 months from my Garden. We are starting to eat Watermelon and sweet jesus is that good. So lemme take you through what, on average, I'll eat.
My standard ass english muffin with egg white. I have found out that I really screw myself over when I don't eat breakfast. You tell yourself later in the day that you can eat something or more of something because you didn't have breakfast. NO. We tend to over eat when that happens. Plus I get a lot of protien and fiber from the light english muffin and the egg whites. and it's filling.
I pack my lunch because the school lunch is Satan. Lots of terrible carbs and a school lunch really isn't suited for a Healthy Vegetarian. SO for lunch, my main dish is a half a cup of brown rice with a half a cup of black beans. It tastes so damn good. I warm it up in the morning then have it in a teachers class room till lunch. It taste better freshly warmed, but I still enjoy it. I also bring an apple and sometimes peanuts or almonds. Today I didn't, but I had some peanuts and almonds when I got back home from lifting.
Lately, I've been eating some fresh corn with no butter or salt. And WATERMELON. God knows what I'll eat tonight. I might make some vegetable soup! Or reheat some my mom made

On weekends, generally Saturday is my free day. But it doesn't mean I go overboard. Last saturday I had slept in, so I ate rice and beans at around 11. Maybe 10. But then at 5 or 6, I went out to my favorite Mexican place. Then afterwards I got some AMAZING Honey Badger Ice Cream (my favorite) I didn't feel bad because I hadn't eaten all that much through out the day, and I had had a really great work out week.

I'm going into week 2 of working out. Basically, I lift at my school every other day, then I throw in between on Tuesdays and Thursdays, taking Friday off. Yesterday I was having terrible allergies and was not feeling well at all, so we took a break. But today I lifted. It just means that I get to throw two days in a row. It's amazing and  I'm really excited to see my progress at the beginning of Outdoor, which is not until November. I've started to Spin in shot. It's definitely different then Discus, but it's interesting.

I'm addicted. I've seen all the episodes. I love Matt Smith.

I'm Re-reading Harry Potter, the UK version that is on my kindle. I'm 9% into Chamber of Secrets. Re-reading the books reminds we why it is so important in my life. Harry Potter was a huge part of my first presence on the interent. I wouldn't be me with out Harry Potter. Can anyone say #nostalgia.
I'm lame

I have school work to attend to and a 22 year old who is in Illinois that needs talking to.

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