Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 3

It's been a alright week. I've had some days where I didn't eat the best, but I have not gained any weight (Thank God) I've really tired to keep away from carbs and cheese. So let me tell you a story.
We went out to eat because my sister is moving for a year to Illinois and she decided to eat at this Italian place. It's a local place, so they didn't have a nutrition sheet. I didn't have much time to order, I have stressed out and panicked so I just ordered a veggie Calzone. I had none of the garlic knots. SO when it comes, it would have looked amazing to any one else, but because I'm on my diet I felt bad. It was cut into 4ths and I only ate 1/4th. I asked for a box immediately. I ate another 1/4th when I got home, but it tasted terrible by then. I hated myself for about 3 days. I was so frustrated that night with everyone and myself. I didn't talk through out dinner, my sister thought I was being a bitch for not. And the entire time, all I wanted to do was go home and isolate myself.
Needless to say, it was a terrible evening.

I start school tomorrow, which I was excited for until today. I'm excited for this year but I've gotten so use to being by myself all summer, I have no idea how I will handle being in class all day. My dad wants to start working out after school every day starting tomorrow, but i might ask him to hold it off a week. I need to get over the 1st week of school. I want to feel comfortable in my routine.

Hopefully I have a collective summer haul post in a few weeks. I went shopping yesterday and bought 3 pairs of jeans (which is practically unheard of for me), a tank top, shirt, and a dress. Plus loads of other stuff I've gotten this summer like all my shoes and Revlon lip butters! And I have an order from Sephora coming in any day now. I'll probably do two separate hauls then.

Hope everyone is having a good week! In the comments below or on twitter or tumblr. Let me know what the most important items you need for school (besides actual school supplies).
Until next time.
Lillie x

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