Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 2

This feeling is crazy. I actually want to weigh myself everyday. Because i like the results. I currently weigh 225.8 pounds and I'm still going strong. I won't be working out as much as a I did this past week, and really until indoor track starts except on the weekends when I can go and use the Elliptical. Getting back into the gym was ridiculously amazing. You can not beat the feeling of doing something for YOURSELF. It is so nice to see progress. I've lost 7 pounds since July 30th, which is terribly exciting.

 Helpful tip: when eating out, ask for a nutrition sheet as your menu to help you order. I did this when I went to Olive Garden and was able to find a pasta for 310 calories, which is literally, the lowest calorie item they have. PLUS I substituted with whole wheat pasta and ordered a side of zucchini and squash. Also, it's really fun to play the guess how many calories are in what. Those little donuts things you can get as a Dessert at Olive Garden? 910 calories. Not even including the chocolate sauce which is another 210. I will never be eating those again in my life.

Other things going on in my life:
  • Finished my summer assignments, I turn them in tomorrow
  • Went to the Yard Crawl (huge yard sale thing) and didn't really find much, BUT I got a pair of practically new black low top converse for $5. SCORE.
  • Visited my Aunt and Uncle and my Aunt gave me loads of glass for stained glass that I'm taking this semester.
  • Made a really awesome crayon melt for my sister.
Insert shitty camera phone photo.

I have some other things that I might want to talk about in a blog post, but this really isn't the time.
So overall, I'm excited for my progress but I have such a long ways to go.
If there is someone who is currently trying to loose weight, please tell me in the comments, or on tumblr or even twitter. I'd love to give you encouragements and maybe we can swap reciepes.
Is that what healthy people do?
Lillie x

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