Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Penpals? Penpals!

Praise the sweet lord baby Jesus  internet is back! I'll pick up on my normal schedule on Thursday with Thoughtful Thursday but today I have a fun post about this new thing I just found out about.

It's called the International Geek Girls Pen Pal Club. 
It's basically a website where geeky girls can sign up for another geeky pen pal. Girls who submit the form are matched up with someone with similar geeky interests and boom, new friend! I've always wanted a pen pal and this is a really awesome opportunity to get matched up with another girl who I will have common interests with. The two ladies running this production have also set up a Facebook page, Tumblr, and Twitter hashtag (#iggppc) for the project (Links down below). I definietly recomend you check it out if it's something that would interest you. They are currently having round 2 sign ups to get a pen pal, but the deadline is April 10th. So make sure you sign up before then because as of now, less than 500 spots are open!

This is what they put on the Facebook About Page as a description of the Project:
"We want ladies who love to write & send letters (and maybe the odd wee gift) who love all things geek and want to share that love.

This is a new project for us and we are figuring it out as we go along. We are just two nerdy dames reaching out into the vast, tangled web to see if we can find some new friends and help others find new friends too. The basic idea is you fill the form in, then we will collate everyone's info and we then we'll match you up with someone in the same age range with similar interests to you. Then you can swap addresses and get putting pens to paper!

Of which, why just write? Why not add a little Doctor Who decoupage, throw on some Pokemon stickers or do a little Star Wars doodle. Or better yet send some local candy, because candy! The list of things you could do is endless, have fun with it and create something wondrous!

Any lady over 13 can join up so add your name, location (please include city and country so we aren't pairing you up with someone two towns over!), email and your top five geek loves (these can be anything from film, TV, comics, books, anime etc) and we will pair you up so you can start writing and hopefully make some sweet new friends!"

I found out about the International Geek Girls Pen Pal Club by Kristina Horners "Things I'm Into: March!" video. The whole thing sounds really exciting, so I'm looking forward to getting a pen pal! I think it's going to create an awesome community of women who want to make friends and enjoy their nerdy interest together. I've sent my submission in; including Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sherlock, the Vlogbrothers, and Young Adult novels as my interests. The links for everything will be down below. In the comments or on Tumblr, tell me what your 5 favorite geeky interests are! I know I have too many so I couldn't include ones like The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Benedict Cumberbatch's Face. Getting a pen pal also means I need to stock up on some kick ass stationary. Wonder if I can find my Lisa Frank set...

International Geeky Girls Pen Pal Club:

Until next time

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