Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ten Favorite Books + {other honorable mentions}

When I was in the 1st grade, I hated reading. My grandmother was concerned that I would NEVER learn to read, so much so that she bought Hooked on Phonics from a TV advert to aid her granddaughter. My main problem when I was younger was that I thought of reading to be more of a punishment than something fun. In a way, I'm still like that but about assigned reading or people telling me to read a certain book NOW. I don't want people pushing me in directions, even if its the direction I'm going. I need to live on my own pace and discover things at my own time. Everything works outs one way or another. My most predominant memory of my first love of books was when I read the Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snickets. The books are wonderful and I recommend them to any age. From then on, my love of books only grew.
Now here I am, a sixteen year old girl with over 200 books in my possession, most I have yet to read. For awhile, it was a mad obsession. I just kept buying books! I am most fortunate to live, literally, 10 minutes away from this massive book fair that opens for two week periods multiple times a year. It's probably where I've bought most of my books. So really, the majority of my books have cost $6 or less. One can also never underestimate the power of a thrift store. You will be amazed at the books people donate, so instead of paying $15, you pay 50 cent. I find it truly unbelievable that there are so many ways to sustain a ridiculous reading habit.
I always said that I wouldn't buy an e-reader until I was able to put books I already have on them because so many of my books were already bought at a discounted price. But, a couple years ago, I gave in and bought one. (Kassie King's video was the last straw) I LOVE my Kindle. I can not sing its praise enough. One of the biggest things is that I can get newly released, hard back books, half the price than what it would be at Books-A-Million or Barnes&Noble. E-books do not replace paper books in the slightest, but they help take some of the space from your book shelf. When you want to go anywhere and have a book, it's so easy to just have an e-reader Plus, Kindle being amazons product, you have the WONDERFUL advantage of having your books being sent right to your kindle when you purchase them. The Kindle also last quite a long time with having to be charged. For me, I don't consider it a big deal to "charge my books". The Kindle is just another why for me to get my reading fix.  Amazons staff is also very good with getting back with emails, from my experience.

If you avoided the paragraphs above, I do not judge you, but the gist is "I LOVE BOOKS". So here, lovely people who have stumbled upon this blog, is my top ten books in order (for the most part):

1. The Fault in Our Stars: John Green
 I waited for almost a year after I pre-ordered this book. It was truly worth the wait. John Green is my Peter VanHouten in the way that I would read his groceries list. John created a most wonderfully flawed love interest and a wonderfully emotional story. I had never cried at a book before, nor had I read a book in 5 hours (minus an hour of crying) until I read The Fault in our Stars. Honestly, I still get emotional about this book. If you have not read it yet, please do yourself justice and do it now. John is such a fantastic writer and being part of Nerdfighteria for so long, it as awesome to see all the praise he received for his book. 

2. The Hunger Games: Suzanne Collins
I was lucky enough to find this book before it was popular, at my book fair for $5. Now, I am sort of particular when it comes to reading. I don't like reading outside. With this book, I found NO PROBLEM reading it any where. Suzanne Collins rips you into the arena of the Hunger Games. I don't want to say "Action pact" because that is one hell of a cliche. But really, the book is written so excellently and the characters are so great. I found it refreshing to read a book that sounds as if the main character would be a boy, but Katniss is a strong independent women who, really, doesn't need a man to complete her life. I also enjoyed the movie and thought it was a really good adaptation.

3. The Princess Diaries series: Meg Cabot
I read this entire series in middle school. If you liked the movie, I promise these books are so much better. Anne Hathaway plays a wonderful Mia. When I was younger (and now) I always wanted to find out I was a secret princess. mostly so I would have a reason to travel. Anyway, Meg Cabot is the queen. The books take place in New York and I found Mia super relatable. She is just a normal girl who end up being a princess. I loved how the books semingly never end. There are about 14 books (10 main ones) that will last you awhile. The books are also in diary format which is another awesome thing about the books. Basically: these books are FAB.

4. Paper Towns: John Green
Just like every John Green book, it's awesome. I do believe this was my first John Green book. I remember watching Vlogbrother videos leading up to it's release. If you have never felt the urge to leave everything behind and go on an insane road trip before you graduate high school, read this an you will. John's style of writing is one of my favorites because it's hilarious, smart, and witty.
I believe people benefit from reading his novels. This was my favorite Book my John before TFIOS. We all know how I feel about TFIOS.


5. Looking for Alaska: John Green
I started reading this book at 10pm and continued till 3am. I woke up the next morning and finished it. There is just something eclectic about reading in the dark, under the covers, with a flashlight. I found that it only enhanced the reading experience. The problem when I read this book was that I read it in a short amount of time. I basically took in the entire book I and I believe that I didn't fully appreciate it. It was also pretty young when I read this, which I don't think is ever a bad thing for younger readers. I loved Alaska and the shenanigans the group of teenagers go through. It's an absolutely outstanding book that really is a tie with Paper towns. It was Johns first novel and really one of his best. Obviously. Because he is amazing.

6. Thirteen Reasons Why: Jay Asher
I had never read a book about suicide before this, and to think of it, I hadn't since. Thirteen Reasons Why is a fantastically written book that makes it feel as if you are personally affected by the death. Afterwards, it made me feel very thoughtful about death. I certainly wasn't suicidal but the book had me thinking about death and how it affects everyone when you're gone. I would recommend this book to anyone just because it is so well written. It's certainly a book I would like to read again. 
7. Anna and the French Kiss: Stephanie Perkins
To quote John Green, "Holy Snood, do I love this book." Holy Snood indeed. I found out about this flawless ass book from, (guess who) John when he mentioned how he had found this book in his possession. I feel like this book has everything I want in life. A hot British boy who speaks french and crepes. This was Stephanie Perkins first book, and just. Wow. Her writing is super funny, yet wonderfully believable. As a writer for young adults, she understands a teenager girls emotions accurately as well has knowing what her audience wants, an American-British-French speaking boy with excellent hair. I just re-read this book and it leaves me wanting more from Etienne St. Clair. Luckily, her other book Lola and the Boy Next Door is a compaction book to Anna, so the readers get to see a bit on Anna and St. Clair with it still being Lola's story. Just. Go. Read. This.

8. 13 Little Blue Envelopes: Maureen Johnson
This, incendtly, is another book I am currently re-reading (This blog post has taken me 3 days to finish). I love books that include a teenage girl much like myself, traveling to Europe and having all these amazing experiences. I think the main reason is that I get to live through the characters because they do all these things I want to do. The main character gets 13 blue envelopes from her dead aunt with instructions on what to do. All expense paid. Maureen is one of my favorite authors so any book she writes is amazing, but when it's one that I only wish I could live through, it makes it that much better.

9. A Great and Terrible Beauty: Libba Bray
This is another fantastic book that I read a few years back. It's sort of funny because I saw this book in one of our yard sale boxes for our own yard sale, but I saved it because it looked promising. I really ended up loving it. It's so interesting and I love that it takes place during the Victorian age. There are 2 other books after this one. Rebel Angels is the 2nd and The Sweet Far Thing is the 3rd. I had the chance to buy the 3rd one years ago, but didn't and then never got around to reading it. Though I've heard it wasn't as good as the others, it is currently on my Kindle so I might have to do a re-read of the other two then do a review!

10. The Name of the Stars: Maureen Johnson
This book had such a cool twist that I really didn't know about before I read it. Again, Maureen is fab and I love all the things she publishes. I tore through this book with out ever looking back. IT'S JUST REALLY GREAT I'M EXCITED TO READ THE SECOND THAT I PRE-ORDED AND I HAVE IT IN MY ROOM AND the cover doesn't match with the first one, which pisses off the little OCD reader inside me. Either way, the book was awesome and entertaining to read.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Harry Potter series:J.K. Rowling I just love everything about Harry Potter. I did want to take up a spot on my list because loving Harry Potter is just so... obvious. 
  • Lola and the Boy Next Door: Stephanie Perkins
  • Blue Bloods series: Melissa De La Cruz Love, love, love these books. It's great having vampires, good plot and writing because it's so rare.
  • The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks: E. Lockhart
  • Girl at Sea: Maureen Johnson
  • Uglies: Scott Westerfield
  • I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You: Ally Carter I know we all want to go to spie school. Just read this series. 
  • The Bermudez Triangle: Maureen Johnson
  • Suite Scarlette: Maureen Johnson

Favorite Authors: 

These lovely people write my favorite books. I love them. I want to hug them and eat cupcakes with them. Read all of their books. Then re-read them. Their books will improve your life. I also have the links to their website.

I hope this helps with someones search for great books. I am always looking for new books to read. you can add me as a friend on Goodreads to see what I'm reading or what I plan to read.

Until then

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