Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why Today is Awesome

I don't like making new years resolutions because I literally forget about them the next week. If I want to insight change in my life, I should just go ahead and do it not wait till a "New Year." This year I made a decision. To become more positive and have a better look out on life, I've kept a list on my phone and every day I write why that day was awesome. I thought about keeping it in a real journal or a moleskin but I knew that the idea would have died a week later. I originally got the idea from TheFiveAwesomeGirls on Youtube. Some of the girls (Kayley) have also talked about how they've kept why today is awesome journal a few years now. So I have mine in Notes on my iPhone and everyday I worry that I will delete it by accident but it's nice to just scroll up the list and see what positive things I could pull from my day. The past month and a half has been very stressful and hard on me personally, and I know there were days when I found it really hard to find something good at the end of the day but I did. So I would like to share a few of my days:

January 8th: Having fried ice cream, just because.
-I was with my Dad at our favorite Mexican restaurant and he decided to order fried ice cream (which is amazing if you've never had it) It's just those little things.
January 21st: The possibility of snow!
- I can tell when I found it hard to find something for that day but it's something positive none the less.
January 26th: Reading again
-With being in my Junior year of High School, I find it so hard to find time to read for fun. I'm pretty sure this was when I read The Name of the Stars. I practically read that book in a day.
February 9th: Time Cafe
-This was my AMAZING experience at this cafe in Astoria. Some of the best
 food I've ever had. Read my Saturday in New York blog post that includes my reaction to it right after I came home.
February 21st: #3B cupcakes
-I take AP US history and at my school, normal classes last about an hour and a half but with APUSH, it is an year long class but is only 45 minutes long each day. There are two groups, 3A and 3B, that split the block time. It is common knowledge that our teacher hates the class before ours (3A) so one day before a test, I brought in cupcakes that had things like "3A SUCKS" "3B SWAG" and other infamous phrases our class says. My cupcakes are amazing and everyone loved them. It was a good day.
February 25th: Mud Mask and bath
- If I've had a day where I was all "I'm done with this bullshit" That was February 25th. I put on a mud mask and layed in the bath tub while I tried to forget that people suck. Treat yo' self.
March 1st: Easy A
When in doubt, watch a movie that has Emma Stone in it. Love her. Love this movie. Nice way to spend a night in.
March 9th: The Everything
-I had a really great day with my mom. I bought a lot of exciting books, ate macarons for the first time, looked around for local art classes, and had an awesome lunch. It was just a really awesome day with her because we don't always get to spend much time together.
March 11th: Relief
-I quit track after almost 4 years. It's been a hard decision until recently where it has just caused so much emotion stress in my life. It has made me so unhappy. I quit for myself and I only see that as a good thing. Just so many events lead up to my decision, it was nice to know that it was all over. I did something for myself.
March 26th: Pottery
-In efforts to build up a portfolio for the art school I wish to attend, my mom signed me up for a pottery class. I just had my 3rd class, but that day, my instructor wasn't there so I stayed for 3 hours working and making new pieces. I'm really loving it and I want to continue making pottery after this.

Until next time

ps. Thanks to International Geek Girls Pen Pal Club for reblogging my blog post about them on Tumblr. It means a lot. :)

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